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Sunday, April 04, 2010

When Answers Aren't Enough 当答案不够时

Trinity Methodist Church Easter Evangelistic Dinner @ Li Wah Hotel.
Scott Wesley Brown: "When Answers Aren't Enough"
Thank you Dr Simon Wong for the recording.

When answers aren't enough當答案不夠時

詞、曲:Greg Nelson and Scott Wesley Brown
You have faced the mountain of desperation, 當失望如一座大山在前面,
you have climbed, you have fought, you have won.你努力、你爭戰、而勝過;
But this valley that lies coldly before you,但又出現一條冰冷的深谷,
casts a shadow you cannot overcome.如一陰影無能力再勝過。
And just when you thought you had it all together, 當你覺得一切苦難都在身上,
you knew every verse to get you through.你知道許多經文能解困;
But this time all the sorrow broke more than just your heart, 但這次心靈深處受到最大傷害,
and reciting all those verses just won't do.背誦經文似乎也沒有用處。
When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus.當答案不夠時,仍有耶穌,
He is more than just an answer to your prayer. 祂不只是單單回答你禱告,
And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge, 祂能使你心平安,成為避難所。
When answers aren't enough, He is there.當答案不夠時,祂同在。
Instead of asking, "Why did it happen", 你想這事為何會臨到你,
think of where it can lead you from here. 只知道要更加親近神。
And as your pain is slowly easing, 當痛苦慢慢的增加時,
you can find a greater reason to live your life, 你就得到一次機會,
triumphant through the tears. 經過淚水,你可得到勝利。
When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus. 當答案不夠時,仍有耶穌,
He is more than just an answer to your prayer. 祂不只是單單回答你禱告,
And your heart will find a safe and peaceful refuge, 祂能使你心平安,成為避難所。
When answers aren't enough, He is there, He is there. 當答案不夠時,祂同在。


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